Image Grammar

Image Grammar

By Harry Noden | Grades 6–12

Dynamic activity books that connect grammar and writing for all levels of learners, including ELL students

Students enjoy the step-by-step approach because they actually see the connection between grammar and writing.

Thousands of teachers have benefited from Image Grammar workshops taught by Harry Noden. Now the concept of connecting grammar and writing through an artist's "brush strokes," musical rhythm, and a photographer's "zoom lens" is available in student workbooks with extensive teacher support materials.
Abundant practice opportunities let students practice and apply what they have learned. Includes lessons on the most common grammatical errors that account for 91 percent of mistakes in student papers.

Teacher Guides include explanations, examples, and additional images for every lesson in the workbooks.

Easy-to-use PowerPoint slides extend instruction with additional visual commentary and clarification to share with students. A Starter Package includes a print Teacher Guide, 10 Student Activity Books, and digital PowerPoint Lessons.

Titles in This Program



  • Image Grammar - Middle School
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  • Image Grammar - High School
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